We are world champions!
We are world champions!

Aixa Salvador, who made history with Spain U17, tells us about her experience in Uruguay

Villarreal Ladies first-team player Aixa Salvador won the U17 Women’s World Cup with Spain in Uruguay. From there, Aixa wanted to once more address all the Villarreal fans who are passionate about the Yellows Academy.

World Cup diary (final part)

I promised it to you and I fulfilled my promise. We are world champions! I was desperate to say it. Last Saturday, we beat Mexico in the World Cup final in Uruguay (2-1), and our dreams came true. I couldn’t believe it. I had already won the Spanish Championships with the Comunidad Valenciana, and the European Championships with Spain, but the World Cup is the World Cup.

I wasn’t sure how to describe how I felt when the full-time whistle was blown. Wherever I looked, I saw people that I love with expressions of complete joy. It was the happiest moment I have lived on the pitch. My team-mates, all the coaching staff, the fans that backed us during the tournament… They all shouted with joy, some cried… We were world champions! Sorry for repeating myself, but I still can’t quite believe it.

Well, and the moment when I lifted the World Cup… That was amazing. I had seen it a lot on TV, but actually being there yourself is different.

The last few weeks have been really intense. I’d say it has been an unforgettable month. My team-mates and I have had an incredible experience. We’ve trained hard and that’s helped us reach our goal. It sounds like a cliché, but we’ve become a family and I can’t be more proud of my family. We’ve made history. We’re the first Spanish ladies’ national team to become world champions.

We know that everyone is speaking a lot about us now, but what excites me is that in the future, that will happen to. This win will be remembered and I will be able to say I was there as part of it.

I can’t wait to come home and see my family and friends. It’s been a long month without them. I haven’t forgotten my Villarreal Ladies team-mates. I got emotional when I saw the video they uploaded to social networks to support us in the final. I felt their backing from thousands of kilometres away. I also know that yesterday they beat a tough rival in Alhama, so it’s good news all round!

Today we’ll arrive in Madrid with the cup in our arms. World champions!
