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The U7s, top of the table
The U7s, top of the table


The Yellows outfit are a compact side, notable for their young players’ intelligence

Talent shines through with each of the U7s players, a team formed of young players who are playing their first season of 8-a-side. In the first months of the season, there are some real good feelings coming from the team. The side, coached by Vicente Pallarés, Lourdes Vilches and Sergi Campos are top of Castellón U7s Group 2, three points ahead of Onda.

The success of this season is valued a lot by the coaching staff. “They’re growing massively each week. We want the children to adapt bit by bit to the Villarreal philosophy. We want the children to adapt bit by bit to the Villarreal philosophy. We want our players to be intelligent and have self worth,” explains Pallarés. Their impressing position in the standings is not down to luck, but the hard work of the players, who are eager and keen to play in each training session: “They are a fantastic group. They come desperate to play and they are really intelligent. They take in everything we tell them and they are capable of carrying out what we ask on the pitch.”

The Yellows, who have already won the Castellón Youth Trophy, and the Castellón Sporting Events Trophy, are a daring team, with the footballers’ intelligence shining through: “We’re a team who move the ball well, and we try to win the ball back as soon as possible. We are strong on both wings, which allows us to create a number of chances.” 

Finally, the coach, underlines that, despite the team’s great start, their only aim is to carry on growing: “We don’t look at the table. We are focused on the boys’ personal and sporting growth, which is helped by their eagerness and willingness to learn.”
