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Sara Monforte: “We have to dominate the plan of the match”
Sara Monforte: “We have to dominate the plan of the match”

Villarreal Women face Levante UD this weekend with their sights set on survival (Saturday, 12pm CEST)

Villarreal Women’s head coach Sara Monforte spoke to the media ahead of the match against Levante UD (Saturday, 12pm CEST) in Buñol.

Here is what she had to say:

The final straight

“Levante UD are fighting to get into the Champions League and for me they are one of the best teams in Liga F. The truth is that right now any team is difficult, because we are all playing for a lot of things. Tomorrow it doesn’t really matter what opponent you have, because you have to go to compete and win. Any team we play against tomorrow will be a difficult opponent. We have to go to Levante UD to win and we have to achieve our objective.”

The keys to a good result

“Levante UD have a style of play that is very characteristic of their head coach, who is very dominant and likes to have a lot of people in the middle, with open channels so that they have options to advance. They also have a lot of players with a lot of goals. Our aim is to minimise them individually and, in turn, as a group. The key to the game is to minimise our opponents and let things happen the way we want them to. We have to dominate the game plan so that it goes in our favour.”

Inmersión Villarreal

“We had the opportunity to visit Villarreal Women and personally I was very excited. It is very interactive and you can participate a lot. It’s also very emotional and for those who are very close to the club it can bring a few tears to your eyes. Even a person who is not a Yellow will come out of there as a Villarreal fan. The players were very surprised and I invite everyone to come, because it’s a great idea. It reminded me of very good moments and it is very nice for the people who feel the club’s colours, because they make you see those values of this club that make it different.”
