A unique experience
A unique experience

An initiative organised by Teika has allowed 40 boys and girls to train with four Villarreal Women first-team players 

Vending company Teika, which is a leader in the Region of Valencia in sponsorship of women’s sport, has organised a special opportunity for 40 girls and boys to train with their idols from from Villarreal Women.

The players Sheila Guijarro, Irene Miguélez, Yeni Giménez and María Llompart shared a pleasant time with a group of very excited girls and boys. The training session, part of the ‘Ahora Juegas Tu’ (Now You Play) initative took place at the Mini Estadi of the José Manuel Llaneza Training Ground; the ground where Villarreal Women play their matches. The session consisted of a series of activities such as passing circuits, rondos and various mini matches. Laughter and a good atmosphere reigned throughout the session.

The activity ended when the participants were able to have their photos taken with their role models and get their autographs on shirts, trainers and postcards.
